About Us


Welcome to our Epic Vegan web site.  This is a family effort - the peas in a pod picture represents us well!  We are closely knit but also very different individuals.  Our food preferences vary greatly and this site is about trying to create food that tastes great, is easy to make and works for everyone.  We share this with you in hopes that it will inspire you to get creative with your cooking and give you some wonderful ideas.

Josée:  Mom and chef.  Recently developed some food intolerances requiring a complete overhaul in the the way I cook and eat (no dairy, gluten, soy!).   Trained in France, i.e. butter, cream, etc.  but now it seems I must adopt a very different way of preparing and enjoying food.

Mike:  Dad and food tester.  Seems to love everything we make!  xo

Sarah:  The original vegan and inspiration.

Kat:  Huge carnivore - but very open to trying everything.  Adapts very easily and is a good cook.

Kevin:  Loves meat, likes some vegetables and is really easy going.

and Stella:  The cutest Yorkie ever! - she's also vegan, but eats almost anything!

For some other great non-vegan recipes - you can check out Epicurious Generations

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